Wednesday, June 19, 2013


We recently produced a movie short titled: THE SWORD IN STONE. This is an 11 minute short that uses the sword as a metaphor for the word of God. Who can draw the sword from the stone? It is waiting. To draw the sword, we must prepare for battle...spiritual battle. Men are specifically called by our Lord to be protectors of the family. 'Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth.  I have not come to bring peace, but a sword" [Mathew 10:34]. For like a sword, the word of God divides; it cuts the shaft from the wheat, marrow from bone. This short DVD is a deep meditation on Jesus' call to be warriors for Christ, to be knights shining with the armor of virtue; strong, courageous and defiant before evil. Weak men cause very dangerous portals of evil to open into the family. These men become conduits for demonic infestation and torment to enter the family. This movie short is a call for men to gain spiritual strength through prayer and sacrifice. The remedy for America, is to ask for men to become virtuous, so that they may demand and protect the purity of their daughters and sons. Men are the gatekeepers, with sword in hand (word of God) they spiritually protect the family by leading them to prayer and acts of virtue. Here is an excerpt of a locution of Jesus to a hidden seer of our time: “My beloved child, what a world it would be if men lifted up their hands in prayer each day! Too few men are praying—and here I am speaking about the men. They are too easily discouraged from prayer, too easily distracted from making time for it. Now you see that the result is: argument, wars, skirmishes, and feuds, gang against gang. Those men who pray shine like polished diamonds in a coal bin. I am drawn to them and they quench my thirst to hear the voices of men at prayer. Let those men who will pray be a beacon in the darkness. I am calling the men today to take up the banner of prayer, to hold it high, to be an example in their families. I love you, my brothers, my sons. Live in me and you will be living soldiers of peace.” You can view the trailer on vimeo or also below on this page. This film is short enough to be viewed at a men's meeting, thus giving sufficient time to generate discussion. If there is anyone out there who is interested, contact me through this blog or through our email: This film can be instantly purchased and downloaded here.
THIS IS ALSO A VIDEO ON DEMAND. Click here to rent or download:

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